Buy Facebook Likes

Welcome to FollowZilla, your one-stop destination for enhancing your Facebook presence! Are you looking to boost your posts with authentic, high-quality likes? Look no further. Our services are designed to provide immediate and genuine Facebook likes to help elevate your social standing and engagement. Your privacy and security are our top priorities. With our competitively priced packages and a money-back guarantee, you can confidently invest in growing your Facebook reach.

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Facebook Likes

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Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-3 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 1-8 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Facebook Likes

  • Delivery within 3-14 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Organic FB Thumbs Up
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required



30 Years

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How FollowZilla Works?


Choose Your Package

Choose the package with the number of likes you want to buy.


Enter Your URL

Enter the Facebook post, picture or video link where you want to receive likes.


Enter Payment Details

Complete the payment and receive your order.

Reviews for Facebook Likes



I ran a photography page and wanted to improve my Facebook page reach. I thought that maybe buying post likes would help, but I was also skeptical. I decided to try it, and it turns out it works! I am impressed, and I would recommend this service to anyone.



I run a Facebook page where I post memes and whatnot, and I was trying to get it off the ground. No matter what I did, it didn't seem to grow. I decided to buy Facebook post likes, and it turns out that it works well. I now have more interaction on my Facebook posts.

Why Are Facebook Likes Important for Growing?

Most social media platforms nowadays have some sort of like button, but Facebook is arguably the originator of that. The iconic thumbs-up symbol is as iconic as the Facebook “f” itself. While Facebook has implemented more reactions recently, the like is still iconic.

Facebook likes tell a person that you enjoy their content. When you receive likes on Facebook, it can give you a feeling of satisfaction to the point that you may refresh the page again and again, to see how many post likes you have received. However, Facebook likes are more than just a satisfying feeling. Your post likes are essential if you have a Facebook page, own a Facebook group, or you want to grow your public Facebook account. Let’s explain.

Feeding the Facebook Algorithm

Like any website, Facebook has an algorithm that shows you content on your feed and recommended posts. The more likes a Facebook post has, the more likely Facebook is to recommend the post on your feed. Even if you’re friends with someone, the algorithm may not show their posts to you if they lack Facebook post likes.

The algorithm shows you a mixture of content from your friends, the pages and groups you follow, and content outside of that. If you own a business, group, or another account, having more Facebook post likes means that your content is more likely to appear on people’s feeds.

And as you probably know, Facebook is known for showing you content based on your interests. What you talk about on your Facebook account, what you like, who you follow, and what you search for is part of Facebook’s complex algorithm. As such, your Facebook business page is likely to be recommended to people interested in your product. Therefore, if you’re running a page, you want to make Facebook posts that will get your audience to like your content.

The algorithm is a secret, but the biggest impact you can have towards improving your place in it is to post engaging content that will get your audience talking.

Social Proof

Another reason why Facebook ‘thumbs up’ are so important is that they give digital social proof to your business. Say you see two Facebook pages selling the same products or services, and one has much more Facebook post likes than the other on their content. Which are you more likely to choose?

Most people will choose the business that has more Facebook post likes. Logically, you know that the amount of Facebook likes a product has does not necessarily mean it’s higher quality, but for most people, numbers matter. When your Facebook page has as many likes as possible, more people will likely check out what you’re offering.

Builds a Sense of Urgency

Let’s say you’re selling a product in limited quantities, and you make a post on your Facebook page promoting it. If it has many Facebook post likes, someone is more likely to buy your product for more reasons than just the social proof. When many people are liking a post, this means that there’s a high demand for the product you’re selling. Someone is more likely to visit your shop and purchase your products if they notice many Facebook post likes.

Liking Creates a Domino Effect

A good post gets people to like it, and when many people are liking, others want to be a part of it. This phenomenon ensures that your posts will be highly visible and allow you to grow.

In conclusion, likes are essential to helping you grow and improving your visibility on the platform.

Do Facebook Likes Really Increase Your Presence?

Like most social media users, Facebook users want to be seen on the platform. However, the best way to have a social media presence is to have people engage with your content, which is true for Facebook.

When someone likes, comments, or shares your posts, it counts for engagement. Facebook will see a post that has a high amount of engagement as a post worthy of promoting in the algorithm.

If your content has very few Facebook ‘thumbs up’, there’s a chance that it’s not shown in anybody’s feeds. To get Facebook likes, you need to make a post that’s going to be liked almost immediately after posting. The more Facebook likes it receives initially, the more the site is going to show it in others’ feeds.

You need to follow the standard social media marketing rules to get Facebook likes. Study the audience likely to engage with your business and create content they will enjoy. Post during the times they are active and keep a consistent Facebook presence.

However, some people have difficulties getting Facebook likes even if they make great content. For some, the algorithm just doesn’t want to cooperate, and it can be difficult for you to get out of this hole. One way to increase your reach is to pay to boost your post. Like many websites, Facebook is free to use, but it does reward people who put money into it.

However, boosting a post is not guaranteed to bring Facebook likes to your content. One reason for this is that you have to pay a good amount of money for your posts to be more visible. For many, it doesn’t seem to be worth it.

One solution that many are doing is to buy Facebook post likes. Let’s explore this avenue and see if it’s worth it to buy Facebook ‘thumbs up.’

The Benefits of Buying Facebook Likes on Your Posts, Photos or Videos

There are many Facebook services online that let you purchase likes. Purchasing Facebook post likes has many benefits, including:


As mentioned, boosting your posts can be expensive. However, buying Facebook post likes can be much cheaper than paying for ads. It’s possible to pay for thousands of likes without having to spend that much money. This way, you can save your money and put it towards growing your business in other ways.

They Can Boost Any Type of Post

From Facebook videos to photos to live streams, a Facebook likes provider can boost anything as long as it’s public. This way, you can boost the posts that you want people to see the most.

High-Quality Facebook Likes

When you buy Facebook likes, you may worry about what accounts will like your posts. Buying fake likes can mean that empty bot accounts will like your content. Since likes are not public, this may look bad on your profile, and Facebook itself may notice. It’s possible for the Facebook app to remove your posts and the accounts that have liked them and disable your account.

That’s why, when you’re looking to purchase likes on Facebook, you should look for a service that uses high-quality, aged accounts. When you buy real Facebook likes, the accounts are more likely to stay, and those who view your Facebook profile are more likely to check out what you have to offer.

They Sell More Than Facebook Likes

Besides selling genuine Facebook post likes, a good site will sell other Facebook-related services. For example, you can buy comments, shares, and much more. This can maximize your Facebook growth and promote your content even further, helping you to reach social media success.

They Come with Guarantees

When you pay for likes on Facebook, you may worry about spending your money to promote your FB posts. What if the likes don’t come, or they disappear?

Luckily, many sites that let you buy likes for Facebook have your back. They offer money-back guarantees, which means that if you buy FB likes and they don’t come or aren’t as described, you can qualify for a refund.

Another guarantee that happens when you buy real Facebook post likes is the refill guarantee. In other words, if you buy Facebook likes but then you notice that there is a drop in how many post likes you have, the site will send more your way.

Instant Delivery

Often, when you buy Facebook likes, time is of the essence. If you’re promoting a limited-time offer or want your Facebook post to grow as fast as possible, sites that sell Facebook likes usually have an instant delivery policy.

This means that when your payment is processed, they will start sending Facebook post likes your way. While they are instant, they are also gradual. The more likes you buy, the longer delivery may take. This ensures that you receive your Facebook post likes naturally so that Facebook does not take your post down.


When you buy Facebook likes, these services are discreet. They will never sell your information or tell people you’ve bought Facebook likes.

Other Social Media Platforms

If you run a business, then chances are you’re on more websites than just Facebook. A site that lets you buy Facebook likes typically allows you to buy likes, comments, shares, and more for Instagram, TikTok, Twitter (X,) and more.

Why Should You Buy Facebook Post Likes?

Get Your Posts Out There

When you buy Facebook post likes, your posts are more likely to reach a larger audience. Because of how the algorithm works, you may reach your target audience by buying Facebook likes.

It’s Affordable

Growing your business can be challenging, but you don’t have to spend thousands to grow your account when you buy Facebook post likes. These Facebook services websites charge very little for a good amount of post likes, helping you grow when you’re on a budget.

Give Brand Recognition to New Brand

If you’re new, it can be difficult for you to grow. However, when you buy Facebook post likes, you can gain some brand recognition. People will see your Facebook likes as a sign of social proof and be more likely to check out what you have to offer.

How Can I Get More Facebook Likes?

Like all social media, getting posts, videos, and photo likes is essential, and buying Facebook likes can help with this. However, it is not a way to make your account famous; you must create great content to attract real Facebook users. So, how can you grow? Here are several tips.

Know Your Audience

The first step when you run a Facebook group, page, or account is to know your audience. Are you targeting a younger audience? An older one? A mixture? What audience you have is vital to your marketing strategy, as specific posts will reach one audience over another.

Study the Competition

Chances are, you’re not the only person in business. There is probably a Facebook page that offers similar products or services. How do they run their page? Do they make content you can use as inspiration for your own page? Are there areas where they need to improve that you can take advantage of?

Know When the Audience is Most Active

Generally, between 8 AM to 12 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays is considered the best time to post, but this will greatly depend on your audience. Your audience may be burning the midnight oil, for all you know. Posting at their most active times ensures that you get the most eyes on your posts. One way you can know when your audience is active is by using analytics tools or by trying to post at specific times. Once you’ve found the best time, you can then post regularly. You can schedule posts to make this more convenient.

Post Regularly, But Not Too Much

Ideally, you’ll want to post around five times a week. You’ll want enough content to keep people interested in your posts, but there is a limit on how much you should post. If you post too many times, it may cause people to unlike your page, and you may be punished in the algorithm.

Have a Content Calendar

One way that you can keep yourself organized is to have a calendar of what content you should post and when. This calendar can be a little flexible, but have some outline of what you should post for best results.

Use All of Facebook’s Features

On Facebook, you can do a lot. You can post text to give your current thoughts, photos if you want to showcase your photography or show your product, a video for a demonstration, Reels for short-form content, and more. Ideally, you’ll want to use all of the above. This will give you the most reach and help you reach your audience.

Capitalize on Trends

Like all websites, Facebook has memes, trends, and controversies happening every single week. You may want to post content that has your own take on these trends. Do it early, as there is such a thing as being too late.

Evolve With Your Audience

As your audience grows, their needs may change. If your content becomes stale or irrelevant to them, they may start abandoning your page. Ideally, you’ll want to mix up your content every now and then to keep yourself fresh.


From similar businesses to Facebook influencers, reaching out to another page is a great way for you to grow. Many pages are willing to collaborate with you if you have a similar audience size with similar interests. You can also pay influencers to help promote your product; some will even try it and give their thoughts if you offer it for free.

Pin a Post

A pinned post will always be the first post that someone sees when they enter your page. You can only pin one post, so which one should you pin? It depends. Some people will pin a post that did numbers, while others may pin a post that gives an introduction to what the page is about. Others will pin a limited-time deal. Peruse your page and see which post you should pin.

Run an Ad Campaign

Like all social media websites, organic reach seems to be throttled, with you having to pay to boost your content. You can boost your posts in conjunction with buying likes, and this can help your account grow. When running an ads campaign, decide on your budget, which posts you want to be boosted, and how long your campaign should be.

What Should I Consider Before I Buy Likes for Facebook Posts, Photos, or Videos?

Post Visibility

Before you buy Facebook likes, be sure that your post is public. On a page, posts are always public. However, if you’re looking to boost a Facebook post set to friends only on your personal account or wish to boost a Facebook post in a private group, you may not be able to. Be sure that your Facebook post or your group is set to public before you buy Facebook likes.

How Many Facebook Likes Do You Need?

When you buy Facebook likes, how many do you need? Most people would be inclined to buy as many as possible, but that’s not always the best strategy. If you’re running a Facebook page for a smaller business, you may not need that many. Alternatively, you may want to buy as many Facebook post likes as possible if you’re running a worldwide business.

What is Your Budget?

When you buy likes on Facebook posts, you need to be mindful of your budget. The packages we sell range from a little over $2 to $150. If you’re a startup, you need to stretch your budget as much as possible. Luckily, our Facebook post likes packages have packages that fit all budgetary needs.

Is My Link Right?

You want to ensure that your link is correct whenever you make an order. Click the URL and make sure that it’s complete. Otherwise, you may have trouble ordering.

Do I Need Anything Else?

Besides likes, many websites will sell comments, shares, followers, and more. When you want to grow on Facebook, you may need more boosts than just your likes if you want to reach the top of the algorithm.

Is it Safe to Buy Facebook Likes with Apple Pay?

When you buy Facebook post likes, one question you may have is whether it’s safe to buy them. Whether it’s for your Facebook page, group, or personal account, you may wonder if your Facebook post will be taken down due to ToS violations. Alternatively, you may wonder if buying Facebook post likes will lead to your account receiving a violation, preventing you from posting or disabling it altogether.

Another concern you may have when you buy Facebook likes is if your payment information will be stolen whenever you buy them.

Rest assured that in both cases, you’re safe. When you buy Facebook likes, they tend to be based on real Facebook users from aged accounts. As they are real-looking Facebook users and not bots, this makes it unlikely that your Facebook page or post will be removed.

In addition, sites that let you purchase Facebook post likes use secure servers and payment methods. Your payment information is safe when you purchase Facebook post likes. These sites will also not sell your personal information.

Finally, many of these sites do have guarantees, such as a money-back promise if you do not receive your order. This can ensure that you get the order that was promised to you.

How Do I Purchase Facebook Likes?

If you’re ready to boost your social media, here’s how you can buy Facebook likes.

  • Visit FollowZilla. Click “Services” on the top, and on the dropdown menu, click “Facebook” and then “Likes.”
  • You’ll see several packages to choose from, which you can purchase by clicking “Buy” underneath them. The packages will also tell you how long delivery will take, so keep that in mind.
  • In addition, it is possible for you to order a customized amount of Facebook post likes if you’re not satisfied with the pre-made packages we provide. To order customized Facebook post likes, please contact our customer support team.
  • Go to your cart and enter your email and Facebook post URL. The Facebook post link on the app can be found if you click on the share button and click “Copy link.”
  • Enter your payment information and then submit your order.
  • Once your order has been submitted, you will start to receive your Facebook post likes as soon as your payment is processed. The total delivery time for your Facebook post likes once again depends on how many you have purchased.
  • If you have any questions or issues with your order, please contact customer service.

Why Choose FollowZilla?

If you’re looking to buy Facebook post likes, FollowZilla can help you. Here’s why we’re the best place if you want to buy Facebook likes.

Affordable and Quality
We sell you Facebook post likes for fair prices. However, we avoid using fake likes from empty accounts but instead use high-quality accounts that will get people to notice your content.

Multiple Services for Multiple Sites
It’s not just Facebook post likes you can purchase. You can also purchase followers for your Facebook page, comments, shares, and much more. In addition, we offer more websites than Facebook. We offer several other social media apps to help bring real and active users to your profile.

To keep your purchase as safe as possible, we offer a 30-day refill and refund guarantee. If you order Facebook video likes and you notice a drop, you’ll receive more Facebook video likes. On the other hand, if you buy Facebook photo likes, and they are not as described, you can get a refund.

Our Advantages

Account Security

Every order you make is completely safe with us.

Friendly and Human Support

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team.

Fast and Simple Ordering

It takes just a few clicks to bring the likes to your posts.

Higher Quality Results

We use authentic accounts that have a low drop rate.

Refill Guarantee

If you notice a drop in likes, we offer a 30-day refill guarantee.

Gradual Delivery

We deliver Facebook likes gradually to make them appear natural.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Paying for Facebook Post Likes Legit?

If you want to reach your target audience, buying likes may be a good avenue. Sites that sell real Facebook page likes can boost your presence and make your posts appear in people’s news feeds.

Can Buying Facebook Likes Lead to a Ban?

Many people want to buy Facebook likes for photos and videos, but they may worry about Facebook removing their account for gaming the system. However, paying for Facebook likes will not lead to your account being banned. One reason for this is that they are real Facebook likes and are distributed gradually.

Can Facebook Pay Me for Likes?

If you have an ad on your Facebook page, you can get paid if someone likes it. However, they need to click the ad as well. Therefore, a website that can deliver Facebook likes to you may not be the best way to make money. However, it can help your Facebook page grow.

Will Someone Know That I Bought Likes for My Facebook Page?

We use real Facebook likes, meaning they come from legit accounts. In addition, buying Facebook likes from us is discreet. We will never sell your personal information to any third party.

How Long Until I Receive My Likes?

When you’re buying Facebook likes from us, each package has an estimated delivery date. How long it takes for you to receive your likes depends on how many you have purchased. Our smallest package takes up to 48 hours, while our largest takes up to 2 weeks. If you have any questions, contact our support team.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept When I Buy Real Facebook Likes?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. We will let you know if we have any new payment methods available.

When I Pay for Facebook Likes, What Information Do I Need to Give?

You need to give an email for confirmation, a link to your Facebook post, and your payment information.

How Many Likes Can I Buy?

We sell up to 10,000 likes. We also offer custom packages upon request.

How Many Likes Should I Buy?

The amount of likes you should buy ultimately depends on what type of Facebook page you run, your budget, and other factors. Often, a medium-sized package works, but it can depend on your needs.

When I'm Buying Likes on Facebook Photo Posts, Do I Need to Give My Login Information?

You do not need to give your login credentials when you buy Facebook likes for photo posts. Any website that says you must provide your password is trying to hack your profile.

I Ordered Likes for My Facebook Page and Never Received Them

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you do not receive your likes. For more information, you can contact our customer service team.

When Buying Facebook Likes, Can I Split Them Across Multiple Pages?

No. One order per post. If you wish to boost multiple posts, please make a separate order.


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