Buy YouTube Views

Welcome to FollowZilla, your one-stop-shop for taking your YouTube channel to the next level! Our specialized service offers you the chance to buy authentic YouTube views, giving your content the visibility and engagement it deserves. Our process is 100% safe, using only secure and lawful methods to help you gain traction. Our customer service team is always at your disposal, ready to address any inquiries or concerns you may have. Don't miss out on this opportunity to give your YouTube channel the boost it needs!

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YouTube Views

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YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
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  • No password required




YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-3 Days
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YouTube Views

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YouTube Views

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YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-8 Days
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YouTube Views

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YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-12 Days
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YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 1-15 Days
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YouTube Views

  • Delivery within 10-30 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required



30 Years

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How FollowZilla Works?


Choose Your Package

Choose the package with the number of YouTube views you want to buy.


Enter Your Video URL

Enter the video URL where you want to receive views.


Enter Payment Details

Complete the payment and receive your order.

Reviews for YouTube Views



I had an issue with ordering, so I contacted their customer support. I was worried they wouldn't get back to me, but to my surprise, they got back almost immediately and resolved my order issue. Plus, the service worked as promised.



I can't believe how easy this service is and how quickly the views come. I wanted to buy some views to promote the launch of my new product, and to my surprise, they came quicker than I thought. I would highly recommend this service.

What Are YouTube Video Views?

We don’t need to explain the basic concept of YouTube video views, as you probably know that the view amount consists of how many people have watched a video. However, you may not know the ins and outs of views. You may wonder what counts as a view if your view only counts once per account, and you may have other questions. So let’s break it down.

A User Must Have Intentionally Watched the Video

To count as a view, a person must have selected the video and played it on their own. If a video starts playing automatically during a preview, this may not count. This is to ensure that the YouTube views are as authentic as possible.

A Person Must Have Watched at Least 30 Seconds

Someone could have accidentally clicked on one of your YouTube videos and then backed out the second the video started playing. Does this count as a view? Nope. To ensure that the views come from real YouTube users who have invested some time into your content, a view comes when someone has watched at least 30 seconds.

These 30 seconds also count if you skip through the video and accumulate 30 seconds of watch time. This rule is there to ensure that the person actually intended to watch the video and gave it a chance, and it’s also there to make it more difficult to juice the numbers.

What if the Video is Shorter Than 30 Seconds?

Many videos, especially Shorts, are under 30 seconds. To count as a view, a person needs to watch the video until the end. Luckily, most people are willing to give a video under 30 seconds a chance.

Do Repeated Viewings Work?

If a person watches your video and then watches it again, does this count as two views? The answer is yes. Replays can count as more views, but there are several limitations.

One rule is that the person needs to replay the video naturally and not make it seem like they are spamming the replay button to inflate their account numbers. Another rule is that after a certain amount of daily replays, YouTube stops counting that person’s views. The exact amount is unknown, but most believe you can replay a video up to five times before YouTube stops counting it as a view.

This is to ensure that you are not juicing the numbers. If you have a great video, the temptation to have your friends and family watch it over and over to increase the view count is there. However, it will not work.

What YouTube Won’t Count as a View

YouTube is pickier about views than some other social media platforms because they want to ensure that everyone is on a fair playing field. As a result, there are some cases when YouTube doesn’t count a view. One way is if YouTube feels like a video is being watched by a bot. One way they detect if a YouTube account is a bot is if the person is watching a bunch of non-connected videos for 30 seconds.

Another way YouTube views are not counted is if the user seems to be spamming the comments section. In addition, YouTube views don’t count if the video is embedded in a website and starts automatically playing. The viewer must click on the video themselves for it to get views. In short, if the account seems like it’s made only for spam, it probably won’t count as a view.

The 301 View Freeze

Have you ever watched a YouTube channel and noticed that their YouTube views are 301, but the comments or likes far outnumber the views? What is going on?

When a video gets a sudden view influx, YouTube will freeze the view count temporarily to ensure that all the YouTube views are coming from real accounts and not bots. If you wait a little while, the view amount should go back to normal. Usually, it unfreezes in less than 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 business days in some cases.

What Counts as a View is Constantly Evolving

One thing you need to keep in mind is that the YouTube algorithm, and how they count what a view is, constantly changes from year to year. As a result, you should keep in the loop to ensure that your views are as authentic as possible. This way, you are not using outdated information. As of this writing, the information we present is as accurate as possible, and if anything changes, we will let you know.

Can You Buy YouTube Views?

Many people wish to grow their YouTube channel, but one challenge is getting your video out there. To push the video on the YouTube algorithm, some people will use a YouTube views service. With all that said, knowing what we know, does purchasing YouTube views work, or will those video views not be counted? Let’s dive into these questions deeper in the next few sections.

What the Video Ranking is and How Paying for YouTube Views Can Affect it

If you want YouTube growth, one way for you to accomplish this is to have a high video ranking. A video ranking can depend on how many YouTube views it has received, its likes, comments, and other engagements. In addition, the keywords used in the video can affect its ranking as well.

With that said, does using social media services to boost your view numbers work? It is possible for you to increase your YouTube views by buying them and seeing an increase in your video’s ranking. When you purchase views on YouTube, it may help to grow your YouTube channel as long as the videos come from accounts YouTube declares as authentic.

Just know that buying real YouTube views does not automatically bring success. You also need to ensure that you make great content and then you invest in more services than just paid YouTube views. For example, engagement on YouTube is a mixture of likes, views, comments, and several other factors. We have services that can deal with all of these, helping your channel to thrive. Like what a view is, and what engagement is constantly changing. As such, we recommend you look at the most up-to-date information possible.

With that said, our site uses the latest methods to increase engagement, helping your account to grow. This way, you can get your video to the top of the algorithm and attract a new audience who is ready to watch everything you make.

What Are the Benefits of Buying Views on YouTube?

There are several benefits that can come when you buy real YouTube views. Let’s look at some of them.

The Potential to Get Out of a Slump

For many, YouTube can be a fun platform but also one of much frustration. It can feel like YouTube is doing all it can to push your videos to the bottom of its algorithm. You can create great content that has the right keywords, and thumbnail design and conforms to the common tips people will give you to grow. However, YouTube can still push your videos to the bottom. When you give your view count a boost, YouTube may see this as a sign that your account is growing and is more likely to recommend your videos to others.

Instant YouTube Views

Most services will send you your real YouTube views quickly when you purchase them. With that said, most social media marketing services will give your views gradually depending on how many you have purchased. This is to protect your video from being flagged by YouTube.

More Affordable Than Other Ways to Grow Your Account

There are many legit social media campaigns you can choose from if you wish to grow your channel. However, many of them, such as paying for ads, do not give you the views you look for. Social media engagement when it comes to boosted posts is mostly reflected by how many views you have purchased, and not everyone can afford the prices most social media marketing services ask for.

Luckily, YouTube views packages can cost a fraction of this, which makes it much easier for you to contribute to your channel’s growth without breaking the bank.

They Come from High-Quality Profiles, That Look Like Real Users

When you buy YouTube views, one question you may have is if YouTube’s terms of service will take down your views or won’t count them. However, the best sites that sell YouTube views know how to get past YouTube’s checks so that your YouTube views are counted as legitimate. Sites that sell high-quality YouTube views make it so that you don’t need to worry about your views being taken down.

A Dedicated Customer Support Team

When you buy high-quality views, the best sites will have a dedicated customer service team who will answer any of your questions and provide you with several guarantees. For example, if you buy YouTube views, you probably want a money-back guarantee if you do not receive your YouTube views or a refill guarantee if you notice a drop in views on your YouTube video. A good site will have all of these.

Why Buy YouTube Views?

There are several reasons why you should use social media promotion services to buy views, including:

Social Proof

Many people will want to watch a video that has many views. When people watch videos that have high view counts, it can be challenging to grow if you don’t have many views. However, when you buy real YouTube views, it gives people the impression that people trust your video, and thus, it’s more likely that they will check it out.

It Can Help You Reach Your Target Audience

Does buying YouTube views affect your reach in the algorithm? It can, meaning that your videos will appear on the front page. When you use the correct keywords, your videos will show up to people who are more likely to enjoy the types of content you make.

It’s Affordable

As mentioned, it can be difficult to gain organic views without spending a little. That’s why you should trust a high-quality views service to promote your videos. It doesn’t cost much for you to pay for your video views, meaning you can save your money.

Many Packages to Choose From

You may wonder how many views you can buy, as your needs may vary depending on who you are. Some people will want to buy as many views as possible, while others will want to be selective with how many views they choose. We offer a diverse amount of view packages, from big to small. All you need to do is peruse our selection, click “Buy,” and then you need to enter some basic information. Once you’ve done this, we will send the views your way.

Other Services for Various Social Media Platforms

Often, a YouTube views service will sell other engagements to give you the social proof you deserve. For example, a YouTube views service may sell YouTube likes, comments, and much, much more. On the other hand, some services don’t just sell YouTube views or likes but also sell ways to boost your presence on other social media platforms.

Before I Buy YouTube Views with Apple Pay, What Should I Consider?

We’ve already established that if you buy views for YouTube, it can increase your chances of growing your channel. However, before buying YouTube views, there are some considerations you should make. Let’s look at some of them.


While it’s easy to buy cheap YouTube views, you may have a tight budget. Knowing how many views you need when buying YouTube views can help you determine how much you should spend.


What are you looking to do when you buy YouTube views? Do you want to promote a product? Get your content out to as many eyes as possible? Do you want to start slowly or grow your channel as fast as possible? These questions can help you decide what views packages you should buy.

Other Needs

When you purchase views, do you need any other services? Knowing what services you can require can help you choose a site that helps to fulfill your needs. For example, some sites will sell comments, live viewers, and other ways you can boost your YouTube account. In addition, there are some sites that offer other websites, such as Instagram, TikTok, and more.

That the Service is to Be Trusted

When you buy views, you want to buy it from a service that has a reputation for providing quality to its consumers. One way you can do this is through a service that has good reviews and has several guarantees to give you peace of mind.

There are many who wish to buy YouTube views, but they are worried for a couple of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is if it’s safe to buy views and if it’s legal in the eyes of YouTube’s ToS. Let’s break down both statements and let you decide.


When you buy YouTube views, you may worry about your account information being stolen. The last thing you want is for your information to be taken when you least expect it, usually from a hacker or from a website that makes you share too much information.

We keep you safe using several techniques. The first is that we use a secure site and payment processors. When you use a payment, it’s shared with only us, and our site is kept safe from any hackers.

Another way your account is safe when you purchase from us is because we will never ask for your personal information. We only ask for an email for confirmation and the link to your video so we can give it views.

There are some websites that will ask for your password. But since your videos are public, you shouldn’t have to give out any login information to anyone. If someone asks for your password, do not give it to them. This may be a scam used to steal your account information.

YouTube Legality

Since YouTube has strict guidelines on what views are, and since they like to crack down on bot accounts a lot, you may wonder what we do to prevent your account from being taken down. First, we use aged accounts that are as authentic as possible. We also distribute them naturally and ensure they are watching your content. This way, YouTube is less likely to take down the accounts and your account as well.

These are just some ways we try to give you the safest experience possible. When you’re trying to grow on YouTube, you need a service that will be there for you. This is where come in, providing you a way to grow your account without any worries.

How Do I Purchase YouTube Views?

It’s easy to buy views from us. Here’s what you need to do.

  • On the top left corner, click Services > YouTube > Views.
  • You’ll find several packages to choose from. Click “Buy” on the package you wish to purchase.
  • Enter your email and video link to the video you want the views on.
  • Enter your payment information.
  • Once this is processed, we will start sending views your way.

And that’s it. If you have any questions about your order, you can contact our customer service team and they can get back to you ASAP.

Why Choose FollowZilla?

There are many services which you can buy views from, and here's why we're the leader in your YouTube needs. Expertise We know how YouTube's system works, and we can bring you your views without trouble. Affordable When you pay for YouTube views, why pay more? Our services are highly affordable and give you a lot for your money. Dedicated Customer Service Team If you have any questions about your order, simply contact our customer support to get your questions answered. Other Services We have all the tools you need to grow your YouTube account without worry, maximizing your reach across the platform. Discreet We will not sell your information, and we do not require you to give your login information. Secure We accept secure payment methods, and our site is protected from any hackers or other people looking to steal your information. These are just some reasons why people choose us. We're trusted by many people, and we would be happy for you to be our next satisfied customer.

Our Advantages

Account Security

We use secure payment methods and security measures to ensure your purchase is safe.

Friendly and Human Support

Our customer service team will be there if you have any questions.

Fast and Simple Ordering

It takes only a few clicks for your order to be completed.

Higher Quality Results

We use high-quality accounts so that you can see a better boost in the YouTube algorithm.

Refill Guarantee

If you notice a drop in views, simply contact us.

Gradual Delivery

We will deliver your views gradually, which decreases the risk of your views or videos being removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Counts as a YouTube View?

A view is when someone willingly watches a video for 30 seconds or the complete video if it’s under 30 seconds. YouTube tries to ensure that the views each video receives are legitimate so that everyone is on the same playing field.

Will My Views Decrease Over Time After Buying YouTube Views?

Our YouTube views service uses high-quality views, but there may be a chance that your view numbers can decrease. To counteract this, we offer a 30-day refill guarantee. If you notice a view number drop on your YouTube video, contact us, and we will replenish them.

Can I Buy YouTube Views for a Private Video?

No, as the viewers cannot reach your video. What you can do is make your video public, buy our services, and then reprivate it once your order has been fulfilled.

Do The Views Come from Real Users?

We use views as real as possible so that you can gain the many benefits of having views without having to worry about your account being taken down.

How Many Views Should I Buy?

The number of views for your YouTube channel you should purchase largely depends on your budget, goals, and other factors. If you are curious as to how many you should purchase, our customer support team can help you.

Will My Brand Image Increase if I Purchase YouTube Views?

It can, but you should also be mindful of the content you make. You should create engaging, authentic content that resonates with your audience. This way, your channel can grow.

Can I Buy the Same Package Multiple Times?

It is possible to buy the same package but to ensure your order is delivered with as much quality as possible, wait until your order is fulfilled before you buy the same package. This way, we can be able to address any order issues much quicker.

What if I Buy Views for YouTube and Then Don't Receive My Views?

In the event that you do not receive your views, contact our customer service team. We can investigate it and offer you a refund if needed.

Will YouTube Ban Me for Buying YouTube Views?

Since our views use authentic accounts and we distribute them naturally, there is very little chance that YouTube is going to remove your account for buying views from us. Many have used our services, and we have not received any reports of banned accounts.

How Long Until I Receive My Views?

We start working on your views the moment your payment has been processed. The total delivery time can depend on how many views you have purchased, with larger packages having a longer delivery time and smaller packages having a shorter delivery date.

When I Buy YouTube Views, Do I Need to Provide My Password?

We will never ask for your password when you purchase views from us. Any service that claims they need your password or login credentials may be a scammer. All we need is your video link.

If I Buy YouTube Views, Will I Earn Money?

Buying views does not necessarily mean that you will earn money. However, if your videos have a higher number of views, this does open the opportunity to gain sponsorships and other ways to monetize your videos.

If I Buy YouTube Views, Will My Subscribers Know?

No. You cannot see who has viewed your videos, and our purchases are discreet. This means that no one will know if you have bought views or not.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. We use the most secure payment methods possible, and we’re always open to adding new payment methods in the future.


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