Buy Instagram Profile Visits

Elevate your Instagram presence with FollowZilla, where we specialize in boosting your profile's visibility through increased profile visits. Our service ensures your Instagram account stands out, attracting more attention and engagement from your target audience. With our focus on delivering genuine, high-quality visits quickly and efficiently, coupled with exceptional customer support, we set the stage for your Instagram success.

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Instagram Profile Visits

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Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Instagram Profile Visits

  • Delivery within 1-24 Hours
  • Visits from Quality IG Users
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required



30 Years

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How FollowZilla Works?


Choose Your Package

Choose the package with the number of Instagram profile visits you want to buy.


Enter Your Username

Enter Instagram username where you want to receive profile visits.


Enter Payment Details

Complete the payment and receive your order.

Reviews for Instagram Profile Visits



I've had a hard time getting more people to like my business's page. I was about to give up, but as a last resort, I decided to buy profile visits from FollowZilla. I received them quickly, and since then, I've received organic visits as well. Also, some people said I was on the Explore page! So yes, this is effective.



I needed more profile visits after seeing a slight drop in them. Some websites will ignore your messages whenever you need them the most, but FollowZilla was quick. They gave me additional profile visits, and I have not had any issues since then.

What Are Instagram Profile Visits?

If you wish to grow your Instagram account, knowing the many insights Instagram has is vital. You should check your insights monthly to see how well your profile performs. If your insights are improving, then you should keep doing what you’re doing. On the other hand, if your insights aren’t looking so good, then this may mean that you need an additional strategy.

As you probably know, some insights you should look at are followers, likes, comments, and who your audience is. However, there are some other insights that you should check out as well. For example, one insight that some people will overlook is Instagram profile visits.

So, what are Instagram profile visits? They refer to how many times someone viewed your Instagram account after they saw your post or Story. In other words, someone saw a post from yours and then decided to click on your profile to see what your account is about or look at other content you have made. This could be from the explorer page, or even just from those who look at the account off of a reel, or even a story involving your account.

Instagram profile visits are not designed for accounts you are partnered with. They are only for the Instagram account you own, so if you want to boost that account and gain traction, this is the way to go.

What Are the Advantages of Instagram Profile Visits?

Having more Instagram impressions is vital for any social media marketing strategy, and having profile visits is one way that you can do so. Here are some advantages of Instagram profile visits.

It Means People Are Looking

When your account has many Instagram profile visits, it shows that people are interested in what your account has to say. It may mean that people want to learn more about your profile after seeing your post. Having people invested in what you have to say is always a good look because this boosts potential growth for the brand itself.

They Can Know About Your Brand

Instagram users who visit your profile will be able to see more information about your brand as long as you have a filled-out bio. Your bio should explain what your brand offers and where people can go to learn more. The more eyes you have on your brand, the more likely people will make a purchase or request your services.

Gain a Higher Follower Count and More Social Proof

The more visits you have, the more likely people will follow. Having a high amount of followers means that you will have people who receive updates about every post you make.

Another reason why having Instagram profile visits can help you is the social proof a higher follower count brings. When people see that your page has many people who are interested in it, they are more likely to check it out due to its numbers alone.

Why You Should Have More Instagram Profile Visits As Part of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

If you have a business account or an influencer profile, or you want to grow your personal account, Instagram profile visits are essential. Like other social media platforms, Instagram has an algorithm that will recommend your content to real users who may enjoy it. The Instagram algorithm views engagement as currency. The more engagement you have, the more likely your posts will appear on the Instagram Discover page, also known as the Explore page.

The Discovery page shows Instagram users content the algorithm has determined they will like. The Instagram algorithm bases this on what a person has liked, interacted with, and who they follow.

So, you may be wondering why the Instagram algorithm takes profile visits seriously. It’s simple: it’s provable engagement. Someone sees a post by you, and instead of scrolling on, they become curious about your account. They will look at your profile page and wish to learn more. Profile visits are obviously better if they’re accompanied by a like or a follow, but each profile visit you have shows Instagram that your content is getting people interested in visiting your account. When you have plenty of profile visits, you can increase your Instagram presence and gain more likes and followers.

If you want additional profile visits, your best bet is to create great content that utilizes hashtags, keywords, and a strong sense of who your audience is. But even then, it can still be a challenge to get more eyes on your Instagram profile. Instagram is a highly competitive social media platform, after all.

So, if you want to increase your social media presence by having extra profile visits, yet you can’t seem to get people to want to engage, what’s the solution? One answer is to buy Instagram profile visits.

Why Should I Purchase Instagram Profile Visits? The Top Reasons

If you wish to grow, you may wish to buy Instagram profile visits. Here are some reasons you should.

Increase Engagement

If your Instagram post is getting many profile visits as a result, Instagram is more likely to suggest your content to other users. Profile visits count in the algorithm, so your content will be seen by people beyond your Instagram followers list. If people like what they see, you’ll gain more traffic, organic followers, and people interested in your brand.

It’s Affordable

Buying profile visits is one of the cheapest marketing investment moves you can make. You can boost your reach by paying to boost your post, but you have to spend a good amount to see decent results. Meanwhile, profile visits are much more affordable. This allows smaller businesses that may be on a lower budget to get more of a reach.

It’s Quick

You may want to see results quickly, especially if your post is time-sensitive, such as an Instagram Story poll. Luckily, after you purchase profile visits, they will come ASAP after your payment has been processed. Of course, the delivery date can depend on how many you have purchased.

Real Instagram Profile Visits

When you use a service that lets you buy Instagram profile visits, the profile visits you receive will come from authentic accounts. These accounts have unique names and profile pictures and have been around for a while. Purchasing profile visits from authentic accounts means you are less likely to see a drop. Some websites will use accounts that are bots. While you may not think this matters, bot accounts are more likely to be removed.


When buying profile visits, you may want to ensure that your order is protected. Rest assured that you’re backed by several guarantees. First, there is the refill guarantee. Our website uses low-drop accounts to give your profile visits. However, in the event that you notice a drop in Instagram profile visits, all you need to do is contact us, and we will send you more profile visits to make up for any that you have lost.

Also, there is a refill guarantee. If you do not receive your Instagram profile visits, or the package is not as described, contact us. We would be happy to give you a full refund.

Other Boosts

Besides profile visits, our site has many additional boosts that you can take advantage of. For example, you are able to buy likes, follows, comments, and more. This means that you can maximize your place in the algorithm and help your brand reach a new audience.

Is it Safe to Buy Instagram Profile Visits?

Some people are skeptical about buying Instagram profile visits, and for good reasons. You may worry that buying visits violates Instagram’s terms, meaning that your profile may be removed. When you buy IG profile visits, you may also worry about having to give up personal information such as your password. Finally, you may be anxious about people finding out.

However, it’s safe to buy Instagram profile visits when you buy from us. Because our accounts look real, they resemble authentic profile visits. We also distribute our profile visits on your Instagram post gradually so that it looks organic.

Also, we do not need your password. We only require your Instagram username and an email for confirmation. When you you’re buying Instagram profile visits, you also do not need to worry about your payment information, as we use secure payment methods via a secure portal.

Finally, when you buy Instagram profile visits, your purchase is entirely discreet. Your real Instagram users will not know that you bought visits, as we don’t sell your information. Plus, Instagram profile visits are a discreet statistic that only you can see.

So yes, it’s safe to buy Instagram profile visits. We handle each order carefully to ensure that they are completed without any difficulties.

What Should I Know Before Buying Instagram Profile Visits?

Before you buy Instagram profile visits from us, here are some things to consider.

Have a Public Profile Page

First, be sure that the account for which you wish to buy Instagram profile visits is public. If it’s a private profile, the profile visits won’t be able to make it to your account. And you may not be eligible for a refund.

Know Which Package You Want

When you go to buy Instagram profile visits, you may quickly notice that we have many packages to choose from. Which package you need may depend on your budget and the type of account you have. If you’re a small business account, for example, you may not need as much as a worldwide business needs.

Have All Your Information Correct

Be sure that your payment information is up-to-date and part of our accepted payment methods. Also, be sure that you give us the correct Instagram profile URL.

How Do I Get Real Instagram Profile Visits on FollowZilla?

Using our services is quite easy if you wish to buy Instagram profile visits cheaply. Here’s how it works.

  • Visit FollowZilla and go to Services > Instagram > Profile Visits.
  • Choose which package you want. Click “Buy” on the package that best suits your needs.
  • Enter your email and username.
  • Enter your payment method.
  • Once your order is processed, the delivery process. How long it takes to receive your Instagram profile visits will depend on how many you have purchased.

Why Choose FollowZilla?

There are several reasons why you should pick us when you decide to buy Instagram profile visits. Some reasons include:

Buy Instagram Profile Visits Cheap We sell Instagram profile visits for less than the competition. Despite this, the quality of our profile visits is just as good. This way, you can save money while growing your brand. Profile Visits Delivered Quickly and Gradually We know the importance of wanting your Instagram profile visits quickly, which is why we send them out as soon as your payment is processed. However, we also send them gradually for the safety of your profile. As a result, your order may take longer if you purchase a larger package. Great Customer Support Team We have a customer service team who is ready to answer any questions you have pertaining to purchasing profile visits. Also, our team will be there if you have a guarantee that needs to be honored.

Our Advantages

Account Security

We don't sell your information or require you to give your password.

Friendly and Human Support

Our team will answer any questions you have ASAP.

Fast and Simple Ordering

In just a few clicks, you can have the profile visits sent to your account.

Higher Quality Results

We use authentic profile visits to give you the best results.

Refill Guarantee

If you see a drop, contact us, and we'd be happy to give you additional profile visits.

Gradual Delivery

We deliver your profile visits gradually so that they look organic.

Frequently Asked Questions

When I Buy Instagram Profile Visits, What Information Do I Need?

We need your username, email for confirmation, and payment method.

Do You Need My Account Password?

No, we only need your username and an email. If you see a service asking for your Instagram login credentials, it may be a scam. Never give your password to anyone.

How Many Profile Visits Should I Purchase?

Each profile visit package we have has a different number, so which one is effective for you? There are several factors, such as your budget and your business goals. If you’re unsure, talk to us, and we’d be happy to help.

Can I Purchase Profile Visits for a Private Account?

No, we only sell our services to public accounts. Since profile visits involve viewing individual posts first, our accounts cannot be able to do this if your profile is private. So please make your profile public before you purchase.

Will Instagram Remove My Account Because I Bought Profile Visits?

This is highly unlikely, as we use authentic accounts and we distribute them gradually. People buy profile visits from us, and we have never received a report of an account being flagged.

When Will I Receive My Instagram Profile Visits?

We start delivery the moment that your payment has been processed. However, the total time it takes to receive your profile visits depends on the package you have purchased. More expensive packages will have a later delivery date.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept payment methods such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Apple and Google Pay, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Will People Know I Paid for Instagram Profile Visits?

No. When people visit your profile, they cannot see how many profile visits you have. This statistic is in your personal insights. Also, the visits we send you look real, so people are less likely to know.

What Are Your Guarantees?

We have a 30-day refill and refund guarantee. The refill guarantee means that if you see a drop in profile visits, you can contact us, and we will send more. The refund guarantee is if you don’t start to receive your package in 10 days or it’s not as described.

Can I Split My Purchase Across Multiple Accounts?

We currently only allow one purchase per account. You can make an additional purchase if you have more than one account.


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