Buy YouTube Custom Comments

Welcome to FollowZilla, your prime solution for enriching engagement on your YouTube videos through custom comments. Understanding the crucial role of interactive and authentic discussions, we specialize in providing tailored comments that resonate with your content and audience. Our service not only enhances the engagement on your videos but also contributes to building a dynamic community around your channel.

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YouTube Custom Comments

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Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required




Custom YouTube Comments

  • Delivery within 1-2 Days
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Relevant to Your Content
  • Gradual Delivery
  • No password required



30 Years

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How FollowZilla Works?


Choose Your Package

Choose the package with the number of custom YouTube comments you want to buy.


Enter Your Video URL

Enter the video URL where you want to receive custom YouTube comments.


Enter Payment Details

Complete the payment and receive your order.

Reviews for YouTube Custom Comments



I was amazed at how quickly the comment section started filling up the second I bought comments. Since purchasing these comments, I've seen more engagement and more fans. My YouTube account was struggling for a while, so I'm glad to see a service that can breathe life into it.



If you're like me and have trouble getting engagement on your YouTube channel, this service is for you. Not only is it easy to purchase YouTube comments from them, but they honor their guarantees. I saw a small drop in the comment section, and they refilled me quickly!

What Are Customized Comments?

Many services let you buy real YouTube comments for your videos. However, the service usually gives you randomized comments by default. Custom comments are when you can choose what the comments say.

Most people will buy custom comments that appear to be positive. For example, the comments may say the video was helpful for them. Alternatively, the comments may ask a question or try to spark a discussion.

Some people may buy negative comments for other people’s videos. While this move may come across as bad, it can help you gain a leg up in the competition.

The Difference Between Custom and Random YouTube Comments

Random YouTube comments are not controllable by you. They will be positive comments, usually, but the comments may not have anything to do with the video itself.

Because many people want the discussions to look like real YouTube comments, they may buy customizable YouTube comments. The YouTube video uploader can choose what the comments say, helping to promote discussion.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Some people may buy random comments for videos that have little substance to them. Randomized comments can be cheaper as well and less of a hassle for you to write out.

While more expensive, custom comments can look better in the comment section, and they can prompt discussion.

Why Do People Buy YouTube Comments?

First, we must discuss why buying YouTube comments is such a big thing. Reasons include:

An Algorithm Boost

YouTube’s home page promotes videos based on the user’s interests. One way your YouTube videos can appear in the algorithm is if they have plenty of engagement in them. Video engagement includes likes, shares, and, of course, comments. Buying YouTube comments can promote your video in the YouTube algorithm. YouTube’s algorithm favors videos that have engagement, so be sure your video content has this.

Reaching Your Target Audience

On YouTube, one of the biggest goals is reaching your target audience. These are people who are likely to enjoy your content. The best way to find your audience is to use the right keywords and make content that caters to them. Through buying comments, you can attract more viewers within your target demographic.

Promotes Discussion

Another reason people buy YouTube comments is because it helps to promote discussion. You can leave a custom comment that is a hot take or ask a question, and this leads to more comments. No matter what the discussion is, more activity in your channel is always a good thing. You can gain new users who will be interested in what you have to offer.

Social Proof

Another way that more comments can help your channel is through social proof. If your videos have numbers on them, it shows a potential viewer that the video has gotten people talking. You can get as much traction as possible on your video content by obtaining social proof. You’ll have active users who are interested in watching your account grow.

It’s Affordable

Let’s face it: to grow on YouTube these days, you must pay some money. However, buying ads can be expensive. Meanwhile, it’s much cheaper to buy YouTube comments and possibly more effective. By spending money on comments, you can obtain active users on your account without breaking the bank.

Growing on YouTube is Challenging

Another reason why people put money down for comments is because it’s difficult to grow on the platform.

We’ve heard the ways you can grow before. Create great content, find a niche, and be sure it’s SEO-friendly. However, this does not always work. Often, you are still competing against a lot of people. It can be difficult to have such a small audience, and many people may give up as a result. But when you buy comments, it’s possible that you can grow as a smaller channel.

It should be mentioned that paying for comments is not an immediate guarantee of fame. You’ll still have to put a lot of effort into it. But by paying a bit, it can make the journey a little easier.

To Keep Their Fame Up

You may believe that the only people who buy comments are small channels. However, many famous accounts also buy comments. The algorithm can turn against a famous YouTuber at any time. Through purchasing comments, they can keep a leg up in the competition. So if you are skeptical because you believe that paying for comments is desperate, just remember that many YouTubers are doing it.

Why Does Having More Custom Comments on YouTube Videos Matter?

Custom comments look like real comments, helping to improve your place in the algorithm. Another reason someone may buy comments of the custom variety is because it helps to promote discussion. When they look like real comments, it can help you bring more organic comments to the discussion board.

YouTube’s algorithm is a powerful tool. With it, your target demographic is more likely to see your videos and enjoy what you have to say.

When I Buy Custom YouTube Comments, What Are the Benefits?

When you buy YouTube comments you can customize, there are many benefits, including:

  • The possibility of having more interaction on your videos. Paying for comments can help to promote discussion.
  • The purchased YouTube comments come from natural, aged accounts that resemble real comments. This greatly reduces the chances of the comments being taken down.
  • It’s much cheaper to pay for comments than to use other ways to promote your YouTube videos.

These are just several benefits of buying comments. There are very few drawbacks to buying them, either. The only drawback we can think of is there is a chance that your order may be mixed up with someone else’s. It’s rare, but in the event that it does happen, there are guarantees to give you peace of mind.

Is it Safe to Get Custom YouTube Comments?

When you buy YouTube comments, you may wonder if it’s safe. You may have several concerns, including:

  • Your YouTube account is potentially being removed because you paid for comments.
  • You never receive your comments.
  • The website stealing your information.

These are all legitimate concerns. Luckily, buying YouTube comments is quite safe. Let’s explain how.

First, the comments you buy will look like real YouTube comments. This greatly reduces the chance of all the comments you purchase being deleted. They come from aged accounts, so there’s less likely to be any issues.

Second, a reputable site will have several guarantees in place to protect your order. For example, they will have a refund guarantee if you never receive your order or it’s not described.

Another reason purchasing comments is safe is that a reputable site that lets you purchase comments will use a secure payment portal.

Finally, a reputable website will never ask for your login credentials. The only thing they will ask is for your video link and an email for confirmation.

Many people have ordered comments safely. You can, too.

When I Buy Custom Comments, What Provider Should I Choose?

You’ll want to purchase comments from favorable YouTube comment services. Here are some things to look out for.

  • They let you order manually written comments. A service that lets you choose your own comments is a sign that they’re reputable. While random comments can work for several situations, you should choose custom if you want the most growth.
  • The YouTube services you choose are affordable. You’ll want paid comments that don’t cost a lot of money to purchase, but deliver quality engagement. Most platforms will have competitive pricing, which means that you’ll get the best deals.
  • The comments look like real comments. This way, the comments section looks authentic, and people will be more likely to engage. A service should send comments from authentic, aged accounts.
  • Money-back guarantee. Your purchased comments should come with a guarantee. If you buy YouTube comments and they are different than described, or you don’t receive them at all, you should qualify to get your money back. Always read the guarantee to see if you qualify in the event that you need to make a request.
  • Refill guarantee. Buying YouTube comments should come with a refill. After purchasing YouTube comments, if you notice a drop in them, you can contact customer support for a refill. Most websites will act on a refill guarantee quickly, ensuring that you’re on top.
  • Great customer service. Order YouTube comments from a site where the customer support team will get back to you if you have any questions or concerns. You can test this out by asking a website a question through its customer support page. Then, see how long it takes and how the feedback is implemented.
  • Great customer satisfaction. You should read the reviews and see if most people are satisfied. Any service is going to have critical reviews, but the best service will have overwhelmingly positive feedback from its users.
  • Always adding new things. You’ll want a service that is constantly adding the latest social media platforms and has many unique services to help grow your accounts. You probably have more than a YouTube page, and you may want more boosts than just comments. By choosing a service that is always updating, you can stay ahead of the game.

If you’re unsure what service you should be buying comments from, try FollowZilla.

How to Buy Real Custom YouTube Comments From FollowZilla?

It’s easy to buy YouTube comments from us. Here’s how.

  • Visit FollowZilla and click Services > YouTube > Custom Comments
  • Choose from one of our YouTube comments packages. Click “Buy” once you have found the package you want.
  • Enter your email, and the YouTube video URL, and write what you want your real comments to say.
  • Enter your payment information.
  • Your comments are on their way. The delivery time will depend on how many comments you have purchased.

And that’s it. If you have any issues with your order or questions, please contact our customer support team. They would be happy to assist you with any issues that you have.

Why Choose FollowZilla?

FollowZilla is one of the best sites for buying YouTube comments. Here are some reasons why.

  • Buy real YouTube comments. We send you natural accounts that look like real comments. This way, you don't need to worry about YouTube taking down your profile.
  • Affordable. You don't need to be rich to get more engagement. We sell packages for less.
  • Many social media platform boosts. If you have pages on other social media platforms, we probably have the services for them.
  • Guarantees. We have a refill and refund guarantee.
  • Safe. All you need is an email and your YouTube video link. We'll never ask for your password.
  • Many satisfied customers. Many people say we're a great service that has helped them improve their channel's reputation. Read the reviews to learn more.
  • Gradual delivery. We send your comments fast, yet deliver them gradually to conform to the YouTube rules against spamming.

Our Advantages

Account Security

We work hard to protect your account through the buying process.

Friendly and Human Support

If you have any questions, simply contact us and we would be happy to answer.

Fast and Simple Ordering

In just a few clicks, you will have your order processed.

Higher Quality Results

We use real-looking accounts to deliver to you the best quality results.

Refill Guarantee

If you notice a drop in comments, simply contact us, and we will replenish them.

Gradual Delivery

We make the comments look as authentic as possible by delivering them gradually.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Legitimate to Buy Custom Comments for YouTube?

Yes, we are a legitimate service. Our accounts will leave comments that look real and promote organic engagement. We also will have several guarantees in the event that you have issues with your order.

If I Buy YouTube Comments, Can They Decrease Over Time?

It is possible to see a drop in comments. However, if this happens, all you need to do is contact us. Our 30-day refill guarantee will bring the number of comments back to normal by giving you more comments on the same video.

Is it Possible to Get Comments on YouTube for Private Videos?

No. Your YouTube content must be public before you purchase comments. If your video is private, you may not receive the package and may not qualify for a refund. Once your comments have been delivered, you can make your quality content private again.

When I Buy YouTube Comments, How Many Should I Buy?

It largely depends on the size of your YouTube channel and your budget. You may buy a smaller package if your YouTube channel is larger, or you don’t have much money. But if you have a bigger YouTube channel, it would not hurt to invest in a larger package.

Can Buying Comments Improve My Brand Image?

If you buy positive comments, you can improve your brand image. However, positive feedback is not the only way to grow your channel. Creating quality content is also vital.

Can I Buy a Package Multiple Times?

Yes, but be sure that your previous package is completed before you buy a package for the same video.

What If I Don't Receive My Comments?

If you don’t receive your comments, we have a refund guarantee. Simply contact our customer support team, and we would be happy to investigate. If we determine that you have not received your comments, we will give you a refund.

Is it Possible YouTube Will Ban My Account?

It is unlikely. Our comments come from authentic accounts. We also distribute them gradually and are mindful of the rules.

What is the Delivery Time?

The delivery time depends on the number of comments you have bought. Existing comment packages should give you an estimated delivery date. In short, if you buy more comments, the delivery date will be longer, and vice versa.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept Visa/MasterCard, Maestro, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Do I Need to Give My Password?

No, we will never ask for your password. We only need your email, video link, and payment method. Any website that claims they need a password is likely a scam.

Will My Subscribers Know I Bought Comments?

No. The comments look real and are customized. The only way a person will know if you bought comments is if you’re open about it.


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