Buy Facebook Profile Followers

Welcome to FollowZilla, where expanding your social media influence is made easy with our Facebook profile followers service. We specialize in delivering high-quality followers to your Facebook profile, helping you to build a more robust and engaging online presence. Start your journey to greater social media success with FollowZilla, and watch your Facebook profile soar to new heights of popularity.

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Facebook Profile Followers

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Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 1-4 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 1-4 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 2-5 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 2-8 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 3-12 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 5-15 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required




Facebook Profile Followers

  • Delivery within 15-30 Days
  • Gradual Delivery
  • 100% Safe and Secure
  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • No password required



30 Years

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How FollowZilla Works?


Choose Your Package

Choose the package with the number of Facebook followers you want to buy.


Enter Your Facebook Profile Link (only for personal profiles)

Enter the profile link where you want to receive the followers.


Enter Payment Details

Complete the payment and receive your order.

Reviews for Facebook Profile Followers



I decided to choose a personal profile instead of a Facebook page. Many services don't provide Facebook followers for a profile. But FollowZilla did, and they sent me my followers quickly. Since then, I have noticed an increase in activity on my account. Thanks, guys!



Many social media marketing services have left me down, never answering my messages when I have an issue. However, FollowZilla answers their emails quickly and will make it right immediately. I had a slight follower drop, and they worked to give me more.

What Are Facebook Followers?

For nearly 20 years, Facebook has been one of the most popular platforms. Not only is it a great place to keep up with old friends, but it’s flourished into a gigantic community where people share their interests and businesses convince you to buy their products.

In the past two decades, Facebook has evolved how its profile works and it can be challenging to understand everything if you’re a newcomer. One example is followers on Facebook.

Facebook is a site where followers work a little differently from other social media networks. When you’re friends with someone, they will receive updates from you on their feed, and vice versa. However, a profile follower is a one-way street. If your profile has followers, you won’t be able to see their posts, but they can see yours.

A follower has fewer privileges than a friend; for example, your Facebook audience who are followers cannot see posts set to friends-only. However, if your personal profile makes public content, your followers can see it.

Besides your personal profile, you can gain a follower count on a Facebook page as well. Most people opt to like a Facebook page, but some may only choose to follow it. One reason for this may be because they don’t want their friends to know they associate with the Facebook page. Facebook is a platform where your likes can be public, so following ads is a bit of discreetness to your account.

Unlike other social media platforms, you can unfollow a person while still being friends with them or liking their Facebook page. You just won’t receive post updates on your news feed. Some people may unfollow their friends, for example, if their posts spam their feeds.

Why Should You Have a Profile?

When it comes to a business or being an influencer, many Facebook users will create a Facebook page. However, some may use a profile instead. Several reasons for this include:

  • It’s more personable. A page can feel like there is a distance between you and your fans. They don’t see a face behind the page, usually. One way to fix this is to use your profile instead. Your target audience may feel like they have more of a connection with you if you’re on their friends list. Please note that you can have up to 5,000 friends. However, you can have an unlimited amount of followers. Some people take advantage of this fact and unfriend inactive accounts, giving new fans a chance to be friends.
  • A profile allows for more privacy customization. If you’re an influencer, you can make your influencer content public. Then, you can set more personal content as friends-only or to a select group of people. Meanwhile, on a Facebook page, everything you post is available to the public. This can make it difficult if you wish to communicate with a certain amount of people.
  • The Facebook algorithm for profiles is quite amazing. If someone has many mutual friends or followers with your social media account, they will see your profile. The algorithm usually favors accounts with a high engagement level. If people like, comment, and share your posts, this is a true sign of engagement.
  • A profile with many friends and followers is great social proof. Someone will see that many people are listening to what you have to say and may want to become a Facebook follower of yours. Facebook is a platform where the numbers matter. If a post is blowing up, people will want to be part of it. If everyone is friends with someone, a person may wish to friend them, too.
  • Finally, Facebook is still the biggest social media platform around. There are nearly 3 billion users, which is a good chunk of the people living on Earth. While Facebook is less favored among younger Gen Z, it’s still among the top social media platforms. When you want to grow your social media branding, Facebook is essential.

These are just a few reasons why you should have a profile. It’s a great chance to grow your brand and showcase your products to the world. However, it’s also a competitive platform. Many people on Facebook struggle to make their voices heard, as they have few friends or followers. One solution people are making is to pay for followers for their profiles. Let’s learn more about this.

Why Buy Facebook Profile Followers?

Many people are buying Facebook followers for their profiles. Here’s why you may want real Facebook followers on your account.

  • A sudden increase in your Facebook follower count looks good for your algorithm. Your profile will be recommended to more people, and you can increase your brand’s presence. When people are gradually following your account, Facebook sees this as engagement, and will show your account to people who may be part of your target demographic.
  • It’s much more affordable to buy Facebook followers than to use advertising. Many services will sell affordable Facebook followers that you can take advantage of. When many small businesses are struggling to make ends meet, they must spend their advertisement budget smartly. Paying for followers is one way they can do this.
  • A large number of Facebook followers gives your account social proof. People will see the follower count and believe you’re an influential person. They will be more likely to give your account a follow. The numbers matter on Facebook, so show that you have plenty of them.
  • Many people purchase followers, including some larger influencer accounts. When you pay for followers, you’re helping to get your account a leg up above the competition. While you can grow a following organically, investing in these services can help to expedite the process.

These are just a few reasons why you should consider paying for followers.

Who Benefits When Buying Facebook Followers?

Many people can benefit from real Facebook followers, including:

  • Influencer accounts. You are more likely to gain new fans with more Facebook followers. Also, it opens the door for more collaborations with other influencers. Facebook is a platform where people are more likely to purchase something if they trust that account’s recommendation. You can be an influencer for your own products or for other people’s products.
  • Businesses. If you have a business page, a high number of Facebook followers can benefit your company. Your business will be advertised to more people, and this can help bring your company to light if no one has heard about it.
  • Personal accounts. Some people just like the attention, and they will buy Facebook followers because of this. Sometimes, a personal account can evolve into one that can make money from doing what they love.

In short, almost anyone can benefit from buying followers for their profile. It’s a great way to get your account noticed and your brand out there.

Before I Buy Facebook Followers With Apple Pay, What Should I Consider?

Here are some considerations to make before you buy Facebook followers from us.

  • First, if you’re going to buy Facebook personal followers, you should ensure followers are turned on. Go to Settings & privacy > Settings > Public Posts, and on Who Can Follow Me, select Public. If you buy followers for a private profile and followers are not turned on, your order may be rejected.
  • Also, you should post public content. You can do this by going to your post visibility and clicking “Public.” If people see your profile but don’t have any idea what you post, they may not give your profile a follow.
  • When you buy Facebook followers on your profile, consider the number you’re going to purchase. Some people will choose a medium-sized package, while others don’t need that many. Luckily, most services have plenty of numbers to choose from.

Is it Safe to Buy Facebook Friends?

Some people may wish to purchase Facebook followers, but they are skeptical of these services. They may worry that after buying Facebook followers, Meta will take down their account or remove the followers. They may also worry about the potential for their account information to be stolen if they buy Facebook followers.

Rest assured that purchasing Facebook followers is completely safe when you choose us. First, you buy real Facebook followers when you purchase from us. These quality Facebook followers have profiles with pictures and are aged. They look as close to the real thing as possible. Another way we keep you safe is to distribute your genuine Facebook followers gradually to make it look natural.

Second, our social media marketing services are entirely discreet. When you buy cheap Facebook followers, we will never sell your personal information to anyone.

Many people have bought more followers from us to increase their Facebook presence, and none of them have had issues. You can boost your Facebook or other social media accounts with us without worry.

How Can I Get Followers on Facebook Profile Organically?

Using social media services can help give you a followers boost. However, you should also strive to gain genuine followers organically as well. Here are some ways you can get more Facebook followers organically.

Set Your Profile to Allow Followers

We mentioned it before, but be sure that your personal account allows public followers. It may be set to only friends by default. If you want to use your profile for social media marketing, you need to have as many people following you as possible.

Make Sure Your Posts Are Public

If you want more followers, you must ensure that your content is available for everyone to see. People will be able to search the keywords you use in your content and see it publicly. Also, your fans can share the content, helping you to reach more followers.

Know What Your Audience Likes

One common bit of social media marketing knowledge is to know what your audience likes. Forming your niche and having a picture of your target audience can ensure that you can gain more followers. When you want real followers, ask yourself, “What will make them want to share my content?” Some people will follow you for memes and humor. Other people will wish to follow you for a bit of wisdom.

Post Frequently

Facebook promotes profiles that post often. Ideally, you’ll want to make at least one post each day to keep the algorithm focused on you. You don’t want to post too much to overwhelm people, however. This is one of those rules where you may need to do some trial and error to figure out which works for you.

Post at the Right Times

One way to reach active Facebook followers is to know when they are active. Follower activity can depend on what type of audience you’re trying to reach. Do you want to speak to night owls? Early birds? Post at the time when your high-quality Facebook followers are the most active. For a Facebook page, this is a bit easier, as you can use analytics and schedule your posts. However, you don’t have the ability to schedule posts on a personal profile, so it can require a bit of guesswork.

Use Keywords in Your Post

Depending on your niche, you may have some great keywords to consider if you want your post to be visible. With keywords, your post may appear in the search results for people who are searching by those words. Also, the algorithm may recommend your posts to people based on those keywords. When making a post, be sure to use the keywords organically and don’t force them.

Don’t Forget the Hashtags!

Besides keywords, have a few hashtags as well. Facebook is a platform that uses tags, and they work similarly to keywords. Find several hashtags that fit well with your post, and put them at the end. These hashtags can give your post an algorithmic boost.

Use All Available Media Formats

If you wish to gain real followers, a combination of text, video, photo, live stream, and other content can be the best way. The algorithm rewards people who have variety. With that said, there is a format that is favored the most on Facebook.

Use Video

Video is the king of all media on Facebook. People love funny videos, cooking tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks at a business, and more. When you post a video, you have the chance to win the algorithm.

What videos you should post is up to your niche. However, your videos should be high-quality, with sharp video and audio. Also, try adding subtitles to your videos. Not only can they help the hard-of-hearing to understand what you’re saying, but they can help give your videos more SEO.

Use a Content Calendar

With a content calendar, you’re able to plan what you want to post and when. It also keeps you accountable to ensure that you’ll post often. Plan at least a few weeks in advance. You can have off days as well, where you can repurpose content or share posts from someone else.

Talk to Your Audience

Even though a personal profile has more of a connection, some influencers still ignore their fans and critics. When people leave a comment, be sure to like it or respond. If your posts get hundreds of comments, you don’t need to respond to every single one. However, you should respond to as many as possible, or at least the earliest ones.

Another way you can interact with your audience is to comment on their own posts if you’re friends with them. This forms an even more personal connection than what other social media accounts can bring.

Add a Bunch of People

One crass but effective way you can grow on Facebook is to add people who look like they’re your target demographic. Of course, this depends on their privacy settings and how likely they are to accept a friend request. However, once you’ve friended someone, they will be following you.

With that said, do this sparingly. If you mass-add people, Facebook may penalize your account for spamming.

Post Sharable, Evergreen Content

Facebook is a platform where people love to share. Not only that, but it’s a platform that will show old memories. When you post something sharable that’s still useful years later, people will be sharing your posts for many years due to the website’s nature. What makes for great content depends on your niche. However, it needs to add value to your audience. Think about what content you want to post, and do it!

Have a Complete Bio

People are more likely to follow you, and the algorithm recommends your profile if you’ve filled everything out.

First, you must have a profile picture. Not having one looks bad, and it doesn’t tell anyone what to expect. You should also have a cover photo that gives people more ideas about what they can expect when they follow you.

Second, your bio should have a short about me on it, and you should fill out any other details you want to reveal. Once your bio is complete, people will start following you!

Change Your Content Strategy

Like any platform, people on Facebook are going to change. Their interests may evolve, or they may start to feel like your content is stale.

Changing what you post can keep your profile fresh for many years. If you start to see a drop in likes, you may need to change what you post.

How Can You Buy Followers on Facebook Profile With FollowZilla?

It’s so easy to buy Facebook followers instantly from us. Here’s how:

  • Visit FollowZilla and click Services > Facebook > Profile Followers
  • Choose from one of our packages. Click “Buy” to add it to your cart.
  • Enter your profile URL and an email for confirmation.
  • Enter your payment.
  • Your followers are on the way! We deliver followers gradually, so the total delivery time depends on how many you have purchased. If you have any questions about our social media marketing services, contact our customer support.

Why Choose FollowZilla?

If you need more Facebook followers, we can help. Here are some reasons why you should choose us.

Buy Real Facebook Followers We use high-quality Facebook followers that resemble authentic Facebook followers. They have profile pictures and posts and have been around for a while. As a result, you are less likely to lose them when buying followers from us. Many Services We can also bring Facebook page likes, comments, and other boosts to your account. Our Facebook services are expansive and allow you to get the most out of the platform. Guarantees After buying followers, you have several guarantees. First is our refund promise. If you purchase followers and they don't come, or they're not as described, we can give you a full refund. Another guarantee is our refill promise. After we deliver followers, if you notice a drop, contact us. We can give you authentic followers to replace the ones you have lost. Positive Reviews Our social media services supply followers for many clients. Most have been satisfied with our services. You can read some of the reviews below.

Our Advantages

Account Security

We protect your profile whenever you order from us.

Friendly and Human Support

If you have any questions, our team can answer them immediately.

Fast and Simple Ordering

Your social media followers will be on their way in only a few clicks.

Higher Quality Results

We use authentic accounts so you get the best results.

Refill Guarantee

If you notice a drop in followers, contact us. We'll send you more followers.

Gradual Delivery

We send our social media followers gradually so that it looks authentic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Facebook Followers Should I Buy?

We have several Facebook followers packages you can choose from. How many you should purchase depends on your budget and your needs. For example, if you’re buying for a local business, you may not need that many.

Will My Social Media Followers Decrease Over Time?

We use low-drop followers. However, there is a chance that you may see a slight decrease. Our refill guarantee means that you can get new followers for a limited time in the event that you notice a drop.

Can I Split a Single Package for Multiple Profiles?

No, you cannot. We have a one profile per package rule to ensure the package was delivered properly. However, you can make another order if you need another profile boosted.

Will Facebook Ban Me for Buying Followers?

Facebook will not ban you from using our services. This is because we use authentic, aged accounts and distribute them gradually. So far, none of our clients have ever faced a ban.

Will People Know That I Bought Followers?

No, they won’t. Our services are discreet, and we will never tell anyone you worked with us. Also, the profiles we send look like real accounts, so no one should know.

What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

Visa/Mastercard/Maestro, Google/Apple Pay, Bitcoin/Ethereum.

Will I Need to Give My Account Password?

No, we will never ask for your account password. We only need your email, link to account, and payment info. Any service that claims they need your password is likely a scam designed to hack your account.

How Long Until I See Delivery?

We start sending your followers after your payment is processed. The total delivery time depends on the number of followers you have purchased. More followers equal a longer delivery, and vice versa.

What Information Do You Need from Me When I Buy FB Followers?

We only require your profile link, an email, and your payment information. We will never ask for your login credentials or anything else invasive.


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